What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
*Changes are coming soon. Keep reading for sneak peak of Invoice Automation updates at the end of this article.
Filtering results allows you to quickly get to the invoices you need to see based on status. Filters can help you search for non-po invoices based on what actions you need to take and maximizing your ability to take bulk actions.
How Do I Do It?
1) Navigate to the "Non PO Invoices" tab by clicking on the Non PO Invoices button on the right
2) On the left hand side above the "Actions" button you will see a dropdown filter called "Status"
3) You can click on as many of these options as you would like. Once you have all of them selected, then click the blue refresh button (next to the dropdown arrow) and the results will appear in the main table.
4) To change you items, simply click on the dropdown again and select your next group of statuses
Pro Tip - If you are wanting to return all results, the results list will appear more quickly if you hit "Select All" and then "Select All" again, so that all boxes are unchecked, and then hit the refresh button.
Coming Soon
On left side of the Non-PO Dashboard are two important filter options:
1. A quick "Approver" filter that enables you to see only the invoices that you need to approve. This filter will allow you to quickly review the Non-PO Invoices and approve them in bulk!
2. The Statuses filter button that will enable you to select which status you want to view on the dashboard. You can select as many of these options as you would like. Once you have all of them selected, then click the green Submit button (at the bottom of the Statuses filter) and the results will appear in the main table.To change you items, simply click on the dropdown again and select your next group of statuses.