Acting on an MRP Exception message can be take in bulk or individually per message. The dashboard allows buyers and planners to take action on each exception message.
How do I take action?
- Locate the PO Line(s) to update on the Exceptions Dashboard
- Click on the dropdown displaying "Hold for Review."
- Select the action to take from the dropdown.
Hold for Review - Exception message and PO Line will remain in the PO Exceptions dashboard, no changes will be sent to the supplier.
Request Change - Requested Date will be sent to the supplier to accept or propose a counterchange.
Ignore Exception - Exception message is removed from the PO Exceptions dashboard and will not reappear with the next MRP sync. It will be pulled once a new exception message appears in the MRP.
Cancel Line - Propose a cancellation of the PO Line to the supplier.
- Submit the changes. Note: No action will be take until you select submit.
Once the submit button has executed the actions, it notifies the suppliers for PO Line(s) with Request Change or Cancel Line updates.
Filled Dates
The filled date checkbox will auto-fill in Request Change on all PO Line(s) with a date being suggested by the Exception Message and MRP.
- Check the Filled Dates
- Click the Submit button
Accepting a MRP Message - Actions for Suppliers
Once you have updated your exception messages, and new dates or cancellations have been sent to your suppliers, the following actions are taken to the supplier.
- The order lines will move to your Awaiting Response view.
- The order lines will appear in your supplier’s Updates view.
- Suppliers will receive email notifications of the initiated change.
- Planning Commit Date will be added to the order line.
- Suppliers can accept the date change or propose a counterchange.
Keep Learning
- Overview - Getting Started with MRP Exceptions
- Understanding the Total Value of Move Ins, Move Outs, and Cancellations
- Understanding the Tabs and Statuses
- Understanding the Dashboard
- Understanding the Opportunity Cost
- Acting on the Exception Message
- Next Up → Searching, Filtering, and Exporting PO Exceptions