**Changes Coming Soon**
What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
Once an invoice is created in the SourceDay Platform it will land on one of the various tabs and move from tab to tab. With upcoming changes happening the way users take action on these invoices is improving. Actions are now consolidated in one Action Menu and can be taken on multiple invoices within one Action Window.
How Do I Take Action?
1. On each invoice line is an open box. Check the box for the invoice or invoices on which you want to take the same action. Note: You can select the open box in the header row to select ALL the invoices in that tab.
2. Next, the Action Menu will fly out. Simply select the action to open the next window. Any action not available will be greyed out. The Action Menu and available actions will vary based on the invoice status and on which tab that invoice is displayed. To learn about specific tabs and available actions see below.
3. Once you select an Action the Action Window will pop up with Invoice details, PO details, and the relevant actions. Here's a peek at the Edit Action with two invoice ready to edit. Users can navigate between the two selected invoices, open and close the detail summaries, enter in additional charges at the invoice header lever and edit the details at the invoice line level.