Easily collaborate with your buyer on new POs and PO changes from your email notifications without needing to be logged into the platform.
Quick Start Guide to PO Collaboration from email
These are the first three things to know when using SourceDay to manage your PO lifecycle with your customer.
- Confirming new POs
- Accepting & Proposing Changes
- Printing PO PDF
1. Click the "review and accept" link in any SourceDay PO notification email.
2. In the PO window that opens:
a. Confirm new POs
- Select the PO lines to confirm or propose changes to
- Make any needed change proposals to date, quantity, or cost directly in the clickable area
- Complete this step by choosing Accept/Submit.
b. accept buyer line changes
- click the arrow in the Required Actions selector and
- choose Accept Line Changes.
- Accept as-is or
- propose changes directly in the date, quantity, and cost clickable areas
- complete your acknowledgement or proposals by choosing Accept or Submit
c. Print the PO PDF directly from the Interactive PO pop-out by clicking Print PDF at the top left.