What Are We Trying To Accomplish?
In the standard needs review pop up we offer a more user friendly approach for invoices that do not have a large number of lines. However, we know that will not always be the case, and we are now launching a new version of the needs review popup made specifically for those of you that have invoices containing a lot of lines that need to be matched as part of the needs review process. This functionality can only be turned on by contacting the support team. When you are asking for this feature, please mention the collapsible needs review popup and we can get you set up.
How Does It Work
The actions that you will take in the popup remain unchanged, you are still matching an invoice line to a PO line in order to ensure a proper connection. However, when you click to pick a PO line you will see a new view that hides the majority of the details in order to allow you to focus on what needs attention.
Invoice Lines That Are Matched
If you click on a line that has already been matched, it will show you only the line that it was matched to. You can uncheck this box if needed in order to match it to another line. You will be able to see the other lines available by clicking "Show PO Lines."
Lines That Need to be Matched
When there are no selected PO lines, the “unmatched” tag is visible on the invoice line level. This lets you know that the line needs attention.
You can expand out the line using the arrow to the right, and that will un-collapse the line and allow you to match it to a PO line.
By clicking 'More PO Lines' you will see additional lines from the PO, By clicking 'Hide PO Lines' it will collapse back to it's previous state.