You will be alerted via email when buyers make or propose changes to PO Lines. Using the Accept/Propose Change action suppliers can accept or confirm these buyer changes or counter propose changes for your buyer to review.
Respond to buyer changes
1. From an update notification email, click on the button labeled "Review and Accept"
2. In the PO window that opens:
a. accept the buyer proposed changes by leaving the date, quantify, and cost as-is
b. propose changes by typing new date, quantity, or cost in the clickable area
c. add a message to your buyer if needed for your proposal in the "Reason for change" clickable area
e. to complete your confirmations and/or proposals, click on the submit button on the bottom right
f. to cancel a specific PO Line
- unselect the blue checks on the left for the lines to cancel while confirming or proposing changes to other lines
- after clicking submit, select the lines to cancel and click on the blue "Cancel # Lines" button on the bottom right.