You will be alerted to new PO lines with an email to review the pending POs lines. Suppliers can accept or propose changes to these new PO lines.
1. click on
in any new PO notification email
2. Manage the new PO lines in the purchase order modal that opens up.
a. print the PO pdf or download the PO data in a CSV file
b. accept the buyer proposed changes to date, quantify, or cost by leaving the current proposals as is
b. update date, quantity, or cost by clicking into the area for the change and updating to your proposed date, quantity, or cost.
c. add a message to your buyer if needed for your proposal
d. propose a cancellation to a PO line by clicking cancel on selected lines
e. to complete, click on the submit button on the bottom right
3. Proposing split lines *when available for your customer.
a. only select one line at a time to propose splits
b. select "more actions"
c. select propose split lines
d. update quantity and ship date for the split line adding lines as needed.
e. to complete your proposal, click propose splits
How to manage these tasks in the dashboard:
Confirming new orders - accept, propose changes, or cancellations in the dashboard