What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
Most companies allow for acceptable cost variances when paying out invoices. The SourceDay standard implementation for 3 way matching is set so that the cost need to match exactly in order to be considered a true match. Matching rules can be set up so that your acceptable variances can be loaded into the system to cut down on mismatched invoices coming through that actually meet your acceptable standards. Thresholds can be set for Cost, Extended Line Amounts, and Gross Vs Voucher, and can be configured globally for all suppliers as well as individual settings for each supplier.
**Note: If there is a variance that is greater than the threshold you set, the invoice will go to the Mismatched tab. For example: if you set a Gross vs Voucher variance at $0.00, any variance will cause the invoice to go to the Mismatched tab
Where Can I See It?
Before you start changing things, let's help you view your current settings:
1) Click on the dropdown of your name in the top right corner
2) Choose "Account Settings" (you may need to scroll to the top of the page to see these values)
Changes Coming Soon - Only the Admin for the Invoice Automation Account will have access to these settings under Company Settings.
Setting Global Thresholds
This will set the same thresholds for all of your suppliers submitting invoices through the the platform.
1) Click the checkbox next to each setting to enable and enter your threshold value.
- Cost
- Set the over/under threshold for unit cost matching
- Configure for percentage or dollar amount
- Extended Line Amount
- Set the over/under threshold for line total matching
- Configure for percentage or dollar amount
- Gross Vs Voucher
- In the case that an additional charge was not captured, this threshold would evaluate the Invoice Gross Amount and the Invoice Voucher Amount
- The Invoice Gross amount is the total invoice amount including all recognized charges, and the voucher amount is the amount that shall be sent to the ERP system
2) Click the Save button to save your settings
3) Click the Reset link to clear your settings
This is an example of how it will look once you set values for these items.
Setting Supplier Thresholds
Set individual thresholds for each of your suppliers submitting invoices through the Invoice Automation platform. When these threshold settings are enabled on the supplier level, it will override any global threshold settings that are set up.
1) Choose the supplier that you would like to update
2) Click the checkbox next to each setting to enable and enter your threshold value.
- Cost
- Set the over/under threshold for unit cost matching
- Configure for percentage or dollar amount
- Extended Line Amount
- Set the over/under threshold for line total matching
- Configure for percentage or dollar amount
3) Click the Create button to create the settings
4) Click the Save button after creating your settings if you make a change
5) Click the Reset link to clear your settings