I have submitted my bid but would like to go back and look at the details, is that possible?
Absolutely, you can view any request (regardless of the status) from the Request Dashboard. Let's look at the states and the options:
- Invited (you have not yet put in a bid) - You can bid or decline to bid, ask and answer questions, view FAQs and Documents
- Draft (you started a bid but have not submitted it) - You can bid or decline to bid, ask and answer questions, view FAQs and Documents
- Submitted (you have put in a bid) - You can retract a previous bid, ask and answer questions, view FAQs and Documents
- Retracted (you removed your bid) - You can update your bid and re-bid, ask and answer questions, view FAQs and Documents
- Expired (you didn't bid before the deadline - You can see the request details, but not take other actions
- Awarded (you won) - You can see the request details, but not take other actions
- Closed (the request has closed) - You can see the request details, but not take other actions