What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
The SourceDay Invoice Automation tool is designed to give you quick at-a-glance view of your invoices and their status. The Needs Review tab is a collection of invoices that need a bit of additional attention before they can be processed. The number next to needs review is how many lines appear on the tab.
You can take multiple actions from this tab in order to investigate and get these lines back on track.
Understanding the Needs Review Tab
Invoices on this tab need to be associated or connected to the Purchase Order or PO Line manually. Users will need to assign the right invoice line to the corresponding Purchase Order line.
There are a few reasons why an invoice might end up in the needs review tab, but it most likely falls into one of these five categories:
- The invoice and/or the PO has multiple lines or releases containing the same item part number.
- More than one invoice line ties to a single PO line.
- The item part number or vendor part number is either missing from the invoice or does not exactly match the part number listed on the PO.
- There are additional fees listed on the invoice as a line item that are not listed on the PO (like freight, pallet charge. Remember if these charges as listed after the sub-total and not as a line item they will skip the Needs Review Tab.
- The Purchase Order Number is not listed on the Invoice.
- SourceDay will display invoiceable POs that include a matching Part Number for the user to select and connect together using the action "Pick PO."
- The user may also select "Transform to Non-PO Invoice" to move this invoice to the Non PO Invoice workflow **Note: this action is not available to to enable this functionality, please reach out to AP Support.
To fix these items, you will use the Pick Line or Pick PO action. Keep reading below to learn more about the actions available on the Needs Review Tab.
Additional Information on Duplicate Invoices
When an invoice is on the Needs Review tab, since the line matching process between the invoice and PO has not been completed, the invoice has not fully processed into our database. Therefore, the Invoice Numbers have not be compared against previously uploaded invoices to be identified as duplicates.
If you team notices occurrences of invoices on the Needs Review tab that duplicate an invoice that has already processed into a different tab, please note that once an invoice is reviewed and resubmitted using the Pick Line tool, it returns to our processing queue where our system will catch the duplicate Invoice Numbers.
The duplicate would fail to upload, and your team would find it on the Pending Processing tab with a Failure Reason citing that the invoice is duplicate entry.
What Actions Can I Take on Needs Review?
View Invoice File - Views the invoice and the upload time and date
- Show Me How - View Invoice File Action
Download - Downloads all of the invoices that you have selected
- Show Me How - Downloading Invoices
Pick a Line - Picks the correct line/release from the Purchase Order for this invoice
- Show Me How - Pick Line Action from Needs Review
Transform - Update a PO backed Invoice to a Non-PO Invoice
- Show Me How - Transform to Non-PO Invoice
Delete Upload Review - Deletes the invoice from the AP platform
- Show Me How - Deleting Invoice Action
Add a Note - Allows you to add a note to the record
- Show Me How - Add Note to Invoice Action
Notify Buyer - Allows the Accountant to notify the buyer when there is a discrepancy between the PO and the invoice
- Show Me How - Using the Notify Buyer Action
Reupload - Uploads a new version of an invoice
- Show Me How - Reupload Invoice Action
Pick PO - Allows you to associate the invoice line with the appropriate PO / Line / Release if our OCR tool is unable to locate a PO on the invoice and allows you to select the action "Transform to Non-PO"
**Note: to enable this functionality, please reach out to AP Support
- Show Me How - Pick PO Action from Needs Review