What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
The Pick Line action allows accountants to choose the correct line(s) or release(s) on a purchase order when processing an invoice. Since most invoices do not contain line or release numbers, this action allows you to ensure the correct lines or releases are matching the invoice.
- Available for invoices in the Needs Review tab
- Scenarios you may see:
- If the invoice is missing the part number, or if the part number on the invoice is different / wrong compared to the purchase order
- If the invoice includes additional fees (i.e. freight, pallet charge, labor charge, miscellaneous charge) as a line item above the subtotal; typically, these types of fees are not included on the purchase order
- If the purchase order has the same part number listed multiple times and the invoice lists the part number only once (i.e. if the purchase order includes multiple releases of the same part number and the invoice you receive lists the part number once and the quantity is the sum of the individual purchase lines)
Please note, users now have the option to bypass Needs Review if there is only one line item on the Purchase Order and one on the invoice. The setting is enabled under Account Settings -> Advanced AP Settings -> Bypass Needs Review when only 1 PO Line is available. To see how click here.
How Do I Use Pick Line?
Try our interactive walk-through click here.
From the Needs Review Tab select any or multiple invoices by clicking on the open boxes next to the invoice number. This will open an Action Menu. Select Pick Line from the Action menu.
In the window that opens there will be a few options available.
Option 1: Transform to Non-PO Invoice
At the top, you can decide to move this invoice to a Non-PO Invoice IF you have Non-PO Invoice Automation. This is helpful if the invoice is not a Purchase Order backed invoice and was uploaded as a New PO Invoice or was emailed into SourceDay by a supplier. Clicking on this toggle will move the entire invoice to the Non-PO workflow.
Option 2: Pick PO Lines to associate with the Invoice Lines
Scrolling down you will be able to take action at the Invoice Line level. SourceDay will list the Invoice Details (Line #, Item P/N,Qty, & Unit Costs). Below the Invoice Line details are the PO Line details. Invoice Lines that need to be connected to a PO Line will be listed - scroll all the way down to review all the invoices & invoice lines.
Review the PO Lines and select the best line to connect to the Invoice Line. Many accountants use the Qty Rec'd as a good indicated of PO Lines ready to be vouchered. This is especially helpful for blanket orders or releases, as in the example below. Paying close attention to the Qty Vouchered also helps to make sure the correct PO line is selected
Note: Available PO Lines (that have not been auto-associated to an invoice line will be open).
Option 3: Assign Additional Charges to the Invoice Header
To process Invoices with additional charges listed above the sub-total, you will need to select the proper GL Code.
1. Select Invoice Header instead of the defaulted Invoice Line, just under the Invoice Number. Then select the most appropriate GL Code from the dropdown menu below.
Once all the Invoice Lines are associated with a PO Line or the Invoice Header select Submit a the bottom of the window. This will send the invoice back to Pending Processing to continue the 3-way matching process.