Customizing your PO Dashboard table is key to review the specific data you need. The data that helps you do your jobs can be different from company to company.
This article will discuss (click to jump to that section):
Adjust the PO Dashboard column data
Recommended columns and arrangement for your PO Dashboard
Sorting the PO Dashboard
The PO Dashboard is typically sorted by Due Date but can be sorted by a variety of columns. Now all you need to do is simply click on any column with up/down arrows to change and save how the dashboard is sorted. You can update your default sort in your Account Settings under API Settings.
How do I manage columns?
1) Click on the Manage Columns option near the top left of the PO management screen.
2) Enable columns by toggling them to blue; disable by toggling them to grey. Move columns up by clicking and holding anywhere on the column name and dragging and dropping it to the desired location. Columns listed top down will display on the dashboard left to right.
3) When you are done, click submit to save your changes. You may need to refresh the page in order to see your new column order
Recommended columns for your PO Dashboard
The follow columns may be helpful to enable:
- History
- Tags
- Risks
- Order status
PO identifying information (as needed):
- PO number
- PO line
- Item (P/N)
- Vendor (P/N)
- Description
- Other custom columns (size, color, H, W, etc)
- Proposal columns: Qty Prop, Vendor Commit, Cost Prop
- We recommend placing these columns next to each other:
- Qty Ordered, Qty Prop, Qty Shipped, Qty Received
- Cost, Cost Prop
- Due date, Vendor Commit, Promise date (if using), Ship date (if using)
- PO Notes, messages
Recently updated: Separate Tags Column: Important flags such as "Hot" for urgent orders or "Subscribed" for those you are closely monitoring are now distinctly visible in a new 'Tags' column. This separation means that these crucial indicators no longer get lost in the data but stand out clearly, helping you manage your orders more effectively.
With this shift this column can now be arranged anywhere you need in the PO table using manage columns.
Tags will be added closest to the relevant content through the PO Dashboard Table, ensuring you view relevant context where and when needed. You can hover to learn more about the tag.
Keep Learning
Setting your your PO Dashboard table
Understanding the PO Dashboard Tabs
Using filters on the PO Dashboard