In this section you will learn about how to create a CSV or Excel template for your upload. This template will be used to load your PO Line changes, acknowledgements, or ASN details into SourceDay and back to your client. Once you have created and uploaded your base excel or CSV template, you can re-use your template.
Import template
1. Open the import steps by click on the import button in the top right of your PO Dashboard or the Shipments page.
2. Download the excel/csv template. This template will have all the required column headers for your imports. If you were using the previous version of imports you may need to recreate your import file using the template, especially if you deleted any columns. Once you saved this file you can use for future imports and will not need to redo this step.
3. Open the file and review. Leave row 1 as is - do not make any deletions. You may have additional columns that do not have to be matched. All of the columns in this header row are required in order for the import file to be processed. You do not have to fill every single column with PO line details.
You can delete the data in row 2 as this is where your PO line details will go.
Create the Template:
If you are not enrolled in our imports beta period please follow these instructions.
1. Click on the little down arrow next to your name on the top right row then click on "Imports" |
2. Next to the words "Bulk Imports POs" click on the down arrow next to "Download Template" 3. Choose either "MS Excel" or "CSV" |
4. Open the file and get ready to copy & paste content into row 2 and beyond.
Keep Learning
- Create your template <- You are here
- Add PO details to the template file
- Uploading the template and mapping the fields
- Testing the upload
- Processing the file
- Resetting your values