You may decide to change your template file or add new columns. Or you may just upload a new report directly out of your ERP. If that is the case you can reset your mapped header values. Whatever your motives, here are some common reset options.
Deleting Old Files
- Choose the dropdown arrow next to your name and choose "Imports"
- Then, next to the import file that you want to delete, click on the "Delete" button
NOTE: If you choose to delete the file, we cannot undo it, even if you ask nicely. Make sure that you are only deleting if you really mean it.
Reset Your Headers
- Click the dropdown arrow next to your name and choose "Imports"
- Then, at the top of the page, choose "Reset Headers" this will remove all current mapping. Again, there is no undo on this one, so be really sure that you want to un-map the items
- You will see a success message "Headers Reset. Upload a new one to map again."
That's it. That's all there is to importing. We would love to hear your feedback as we want to make these trainings as useful as possible. Please send an email to and mention you were working on the Getting Started Series for Supplier Imports.