What Are We Trying to Accomplish?
*Changes are coming. Keep reading for sneak peak of Invoice Automation updates at the end of this article.
The date range filter allows accountants to filter invoices by date range based on the invoice date. You can select from predefined date ranges or set custom ranges.
How Do I Do It?
1) Click in the Date Range field to access the date range selection
2) Select a predefined date range from the left side of the date selector or set your own custom date range by selecting the date from the calendars or typing in the dates in the date fields
3) Click the Apply button to start filtering by your selected date range
4) Highlight and click Delete on your keyboard to remove your Date Range. Click the blue reload button to refresh
**Changes Coming Soon**
Here's a sneak peak of the new changes coming soon to Invoice Automation (formerly Accounts Payable). The Date filter can be applied on invoices staged in Awaiting Receipt, Mismatched, Matched, Voucher Exceptions, Failed Vouchers, Vouchered, Posted, Paid, and Voided.
1. Click on the Date box to enter the start date and end date.
2. Select a predefined date range from the left side of the date selector or set your own custom date range by selecting the date from the calendars or typing in the dates in the date fields. Select Apply to filter the Dashboard.
3. To clear hover over the Calendar icon and click on the x.