The Mission
Enabling auto-vouchering basically just means setting your Invoice Automation application so that invoices that are already matching - the invoice, receipt and PO match - are sent directly to your ERP as Vouchered. This allows you to save time looking at and vouchering clean invoices so that you can focus on some of the more challenging ones.
When deciding if you are ready start auto-vouchering, just think about the last time you needed to make a change to an item on the matching tab. These should be very rare outliers. Remember, you can set this functionality up based on supplier, and based on the time of month so that you can complete double checks as needed, but automating on the items where you are just pushing the button to voucher.
Where Can I See It?
In order to see what suppliers are set to auto-voucher, simply click "Suppliers" at the top of the screen, and then look for a green check mark in the column for "Auto-Vouchering" If the check mark is there - great, you're already set up. If not, it's less than 3 clicks to get into place.
Enabling Auto-Voucher
If you are setting up one supplier for auto-vouchering, click on the blue dropdown arrow for the supplier on the main suppliers table, choose "Enable Auto-Vouchering" and click confirm. If you would like to enable for multiple suppliers at once, check the boxes next to the suppliers you would like to enable. Then from the green button "Actions" choose "Enable Auto-Vouchering".
If you'd like a closer look, this article will give you a visual to walk through enabling and disabling auto-voucher
Setting Auto-Voucher Rules
Setting additional rules around when items can be auto-vouchered and when they cannot is equally simple. Just go into it knowing when you would like it to be on and when you would like it to be off. During the on periods, matching items will flow through as vouchered and you can view them on the vouchered tab. On the off time periods, the invoices will move the the matching tab and stay until you can voucher the items.
That's It
Hopefully this was relatively painless to set up auto-vouchering. If you have not already, we recommend setting up suppliers to email their invoices into SourceDay directly.