When working with new products, ensuring that everyone is using the same terminology can be critical to your success. This becomes even more important when we are talking about data and reporting as decisions are being made based off of the items and terms in these reports.
In this section we will provide you with a glossary of terminology used in this guide and discuss the calculations used to help ensure that you not only understand, but can also explain the reports in the SourceDay Insights suite. Note: This is not a memorization exercise, it is meant to be a page that you can come back to when you are looking at the charts in order to better understand the information displayed.
Glossary - Terms and Calculations
Actual Lead Time - the difference in time between the PO created date and the PO received date
Acknowledgement Rate (Ack Rate) - The percentage of PO lines that were acknowledged by the supplier.
Average Minutes Per Day on SourceDay - The average amount of logged-in time using the PO Collaboration application for each unique buyer user over the selected timeframe
Baseline Comparison - the difference between the buyer company’s OTIF percentage and the OTIF percentage for all SourceDay data
Expected Lead Time - the difference between the PO created date and the original due date for the PO
Expected vs Actual Lead Time - Average of all day differences between lead time (PO created date to received date) and expected lead time (PO created date and original due date acknowledged for the PO)
Like Items - Distinct comparison based on item/part number, supplier, buyer, site, job and currency. For example: If you had the same part number that was sold by the same supplier, to the same buyer for the same site and job number but the currency was different, there would be two items recorded, one for the first currency, and one for the second and they would not be considered like items.
Median Days Late - the median number of days the buyer company’s shipments were late, based on the same logic described in the OTIF definition
Original Due Date - This is the first due date that came over from the buyer's ERP when then PO was created in SourceDay
OTD (On-Time Delivery) - Counts the number of receipts/shipments (instead of PO Lines) where the date received is on or before the due date. It does not take into account if this was delivered in full or not. This metric is based on how you have defined on time delivery for the supplier performance scorecard.
- If a vendor is set to use the Double Due Date (Ship Date) workflow, the ship date as entered into SourceDay by the supplier is used to calculate On-Time Delivery instead of the receipt date
OTIF (On-Time and In-Full) - this describes PO lines where the quantity received is equal to or greater than the quantity ordered, and the date received is on or before the due date. This is the full quantity agreed on in the PO that has been received or the full quantity that has been shipped for double due date workflow suppliers. This is based on the date in the PO specified by account settings, and the receipt date we get back from the buyer's ERP.
- If a vendor is set to use the Double Due Date (Ship Date) workflow, the ship date as entered into SourceDay by the supplier is used to calculate On-Time Delivery instead of the receipt date.
Overall Impact Percent - Calculated percent impact of cost increases and cost decreases
Overall Impact Cost - Calculated cost impact of cost increases and decreases
Percent Increases - Percentage of like items that increase by more than the amount specified in the threshold filter. The description in the dashboard will auto update to match what is in the "% Increase Threshold" filter within the dashboard.
PO Line changes on SD - This is calculated as a back and forth between SourceDay and the ERP or the ERP to SourceDay. For example: If a supplier suggests a change for cost and quantity, and the buyer accepts it, that would count as 1 line change. If the buyer then rejected that change and proposed a new change and the supplier accepted, that back and forth would count as 2 changes total.
PO Lines Moved In - This is the number of active PO lines where the current due date is less than one month (or one day if day grouping selected) less than the original due date. "Active" is defined as not cancelled, completed, or deleted. This can also be translated to the date the items were expected to be received was exceeded.
PO Lines Moved Out - This is the number of active PO lines where the current due date is more than one month (or one day if day grouping selected) greater than the original due date. "Active" is defined as not cancelled, completed, or deleted. This can also be translated to the date the items were expected to be received was later than expected or not met.
PO Spend USD Moved In - A summation of PO Spend for active PO lines where the current due date is less than one month (or one day if day grouping selected) less than the original due date.
PO Spend USD Moved Out - A summation of PO Spend for active PO lines where the current due date is more than one month (or one day if day grouping selected) greater than the original due date.
Qty Ordered MINUS Qty Received - The difference between quantity received and quantity ordered trending by the original due date on the purchase order. In the instance where a PO order was split it does not take into account that the split happened, only that the quantity delivered of line 1 of the split line is equal. Each line of a split order is treated as it's own independent line.
Response Hours - The number of hours between when a buyer proposed a change and a supplier's response to that change
Spend managed on SD - this is the total spend for all POs with a filled date in the timeframe specified, where the supplier is active
Supplier Adoption - a supplier is considered "adopted" if they took any action in SourceDay for the time period in question