The SourceDay Insights page is an advanced in-depth data center of supplier performance.
You can navigate between performance metrics using the black icon bar on the left side. The four areas on the home page are:
1) On-time delivery (top left)
- How often your orders are fully delivered on time based on a weekly trend average.
- Clicking on the OTIF icon takes you to a more in-depth page where you can adjust the settings.
2) Change count (top right)
How often are your orders change by the type of change (due date, quantity, cost) based on a weekly trend.
- Clicking on the Changes icon takes you to a more in-depth page with adjustable settings.
3) Cost impact (lower left)
- The effects of schedule changes on working capital reserves based on a weekly trend.
- Clicking on the cost icon takes you to a more in-depth page with adjustable settings.
4) Lead time increases (lower right)
- How are lead times changing bause on a weekly trend average.
- Clicking on the leadtime icon takes you to a more in-depth page where you can adjust the settings.