Arrange the columns to seeing the most important information on each PO for you. Turn column visibility off/on and rearrange the layout of the dashboard using Manage Columns.
You may be collaborating with multiple buyer companies that have unique information associated with PO Lines. These unique fields will need to be enabled by you to view on your PO Dashboard table.
This article will discuss (click to jump to the section):
Adjust the PO Dashboard column data
Recommended columns and arrangement for your PO Dashboard
How do I manage columns?
To see this in action with a step by step walk-through click here. Otherwise keep reading.
- Click on Manage Columns in the upper right side of your dashboard. This opens a window where you can turn columns on or off.
- Then you will turn columns on/off using the blue toggle buttons.
- Finally you can rearrange the order of the columns on the dashboard by grabbing and dragging the Column names.
New look coming soon: |
Recommended Columns
The following columns should be enabled and organized together to give you instant insight to the details and status of your order lines.
- Customer
- Buyer
- Order Status - We recommend making this column visible and move it to the left side of the dashboard. This information immediately lets users know why a particular action is not available on that order line (for example: Shipped is not an available action on pending orders).
- PO Identifying Information:
- PO Number
- PO Line
- Item (P/N)
- Vendor (P/N)
- Description
- Other custom columns (size, color, H, W, etc)
- Order Values
- Qty Ordered
- Qty Prop
- Qty Shipped
- Qty Received
- UM
- Cost Values
- Cost
- Cost Prop
- Date Values
- Due Date
- Vendor Commit
- Promise Date
- Ship Date (if using)
- Last Update Type
- Other - but only if applicable
- Warehouse
- Ship to
- Custom Columns - be sure to scroll through the column options and enable any custom columns that are unique to your client. Rearrange as necessary.
- Update any columns that are not available to not visible
Sorting the PO Dashboard
The PO Dashboard is typically sorted by Due Date but can be sorted by a variety of columns. Now all you need to do is simply click on any column with up/down arrows to change and save how the dashboard is sorted. You can update your default sort in your Account Settings under API Settings.
Keep Learning
Up Next: Acknowledge New Orders
Understanding & Navigating the PO Dashboard
Setting Up Your PO Dashboard <-- you are here
Update Orders with Buyer Made Changes