All new orders or buyer changes waiting to be acknowledged by the supplier will appear in the New order/Pending or Buyer proposed changes view.
By using the Accept/Propose Changes actions in SourceDay, suppliers are able to accept or propose changes to the following order requirements:
- Quantity
- Cost
- Due Date or Ship Date
These actions can be performed on an individual order line or in bulk for up to 100 order lines at a time. The Acknowledge action will only be an available option on orders currently in a Pending status, while Accept/Propose Changes is available across order statues.
You can also accept or propose changes in bulk.
Accept new or changed orders
1. You will be alerted to new order lines with an email notification.
2. Once logged in, view the Pending tab or Buyer proposed changes tab to see new or changed orders.
3. Click the checkbox on each order line you would like to acknowledge. Remember each line on a PO will have its own line within the dashboard.
4. Select Accept/Propose from the top right.
This multi-PO window opens:
5. Scroll through each PO line you selected indicated in blue on the left and select:
- Accept or Confirm if no changes to this line or
- Propose to update cost, quantity, or date or
- Hold (Skip for now) to take no action
- Cancel to propose a line cancellation
6. Complete your actions by clicking the green Confirm button
Making bulk updates
You can make bulk updates to multiple selected lines or to all of the lines in a view.
To make bulk updates to all of the lines in a view, click on the open box in the PO table.
Once you select multiple lines you will have the option at the top of the multi-PO window to Bulk Update. Bulk Update gives suppliers the ability to propose the same quantity, cost, and/or date changes to all selected orders. Suppliers can also provide the same reason across the orders in the Message box.
1. Click on the action you are taking: Accept, Propose, Hold (Skip for now), or Cancel. This action will be applied to all selected lines.
2. If you have selected Propose, you can then enter proposed changes in the Quantity, Cost, or Date Field. Any values entered here will be filled in for all the selected lines.
3. Enter a bulk reason for the proposed changes in the Message box
Once you start entering changes in bulk update, SourceDay will automatically start filling in those fields with your proposed changes for the order lines selected.
Prefer working from email?
New POs: accepting, proposing changes, cancellations, and split lines by email