Occasionally, some buyers companies are fully responsible for creating ASNs and handling all details of shipping orders. You'll see this reflected in the Ready to Ship action. Ready to Ship is designed for suppliers who are only responsible for the manufacturing of an order not the shipping of the order. Using our new Ready to Ship feature, suppliers can now let buyers know when their orders are ready to go. This feature will allow the buyer to enter shipment details within SourceDay.
How Do I use Ready to Ship?
With Ready to Ship enabled suppliers will see only minor changes from the "Shipped" Action. Just as before select the order line or multiple lines that are ready. Then from the Action Menu select "Ready to Ship" (the other Shipped action will be greyed out and not available on any of your POs for this buyer).
Suppliers will then enter the shipping details they do have on the order lines in the Shipment window that opens next (see below). Instead of providing header details the supplier will enter shipping details per shipment line. Any fields that were previously required for the shipment will now be optional.
The only two fields that will be required are:
- Box Quantity
- Quantity per Box
That's it! Once a supplier marks an order as Ready to Ship the buyer will receive a notification and will be able to enter shipping details from the Shipments Dashboard.
Keep Learning
How Buyers Enter Shipping Details