Within SourceDay, POs are organized within the PO Dashboard at the order line level. Order lines are additionally filtered into various views based on the line status or action needed.
This article will review (click to jump to that section):
Where to find the PO Dashboard
Where can I find the PO Dashboard?
You can get to the Purchase Orders table by clicking on Purchase Orders at the top of your screen. This is the section that will allow you to see the most details for your PO lines.
Alternatively you may have icons at the top of the screen depending on the size of your browser window.
How are POs organized?
The PO Dashboard is built to give you quick at a glance details on all of your POs. POs are organized into user-specific views accessible through a left-side navigation. This navigation provides you with more space to create unique, custom views of specific PO lines. Several preloaded views act as pre-applied filters on PO Lines, allowing you to focus on lines by risk type or by life cycle (based on order status).
When you login your starting page is the All risks viewing. Simply follow the red to respond to On-Time Delivery risks.
To understand the default views click on any of the names here to jump to that section.
These views lists POs that would have fallen in the previous dashboard under the “Updates tab.” |
Needs attention views
POs listed in the Needs attention views are POs that require action from you. These views will have a red indicator signalling the number of POs in the view. Suppliers and buyers alike can use these indicators and simply follow the red to focus on POs that need your attention.
Supplier proposed changes
POs with a supplier proposed change will be filtered in this view. Supplier proposed changes include: proposed cancellations, proposed change to the cost, quantity, or date, supplier rejected changes, and split line proposals. Buyers need to review and respond using the Accept/Propose action. When suppliers propose changes to POs the buyer listed on the PO will receive a notification. Learn how to respond to changes here.
Unread message
Use this view to review PO lines with messages from suppliers. Learn more about message here.
Reminders (ERP dependent)
Once the reminder time period has been trigger PO lines will display in this view.
POs that are one day past the collaboration date will be displayed in this view. The collaboration date is the date that is updated when proposing new dates within SourceDay. This date determined during your implementation period and can vary. Typically suppliers collaborate on either due date or ship date.
All Risks
Open POs with a proposed changes or issues that may impact on time delivery. Risks include supplier proposed changes, supplier accepted buyer proposed changes, email delivery issues and more. To learn more about On-Time Delivery Risks click here.
Monitoring views
Awaiting response
POs that you have initiated a proposed change within SourceDay or changed within your ERP will be sent to the supplier for review and action. You can keep track of those in your Awaiting response view.
Buyers can mark critical PO lines as hot to send an notification to suppliers. Hot POs will be tagged and filtered to in the Hot view.
Due soon
As PO Lines approach their collaboration date they will move to the Due soon view. This helps buyers and supplier keep track of order lines that should be shipped and arriving soon. The Due soon window can be adjusted by buyer teams globally for all their suppliers as well as uniquely for specific suppliers.
PO lifecycle views
These views are POs filtered by status or stage in the PO lifecycle.
Planned orders
This view is dependent on your integration and ERP, not all users will have this view. This view displays POs in a planned status. For most ERPs that means the:
- The Header of the PO needs to be in “Ordered” status
- The Line(s) of the PO needs to be in “Planned” status
Suppliers will receive an email notification for new planned orders. Learn more - Understand Planned Orders
New pending orders
The pending order view displays all new and unacknowledged orders by line or release. SourceDay will automatically notify suppliers when they have new orders. Once suppliers confirm/acknowledge these orders they will display in the In Progress view.
In progress
Orders in this view have been acknowledged or confirmed by the supplier and have not been marked as shipped in full or completed.
The Shipped view displays all orders that have been marked as shipped in full by your supplier. Partial shipments will not appear under the Shipped tab and can still receive late order notifications.
- Learn more - Understand the Shipments Dashboard
This view contains all closed PO lines within a buyer's ERP. Often those status are: "Completed", "Filled", or "Cancelled" in the buyer's ERP, some integrations allow for order lines to move to a final status when the qty received is equal or greater than the qty ordered. Historical information for these POs is saved with the PO Line.
All open
PO lines in the all orders view are not in a planned or completed status.
Suggested & my views
Based on user feedback, SourceDay now offers a list of suggested views to help buyers streamline their custom Purchase Order (PO) views. You can explore these suggested views and customize them further by adding additional filter criteria as needed. Simply select a view from the list and follow the prompts to input the necessary information. Once saved, the view will be added to your 'My Views' list, where you can further filter, rename, or edit it as desired.
Learn more about suggested views.
Additional Features
The PO Dashboard has a number of features designed to help you find exactly what you need to collaborate efficiently. Click on the feature name to jump to that section.
Risk management
The Risks column, powered by SourceDay Intelligence, identifies PO lines with a risk to on time delivery. Click on the red risk identified within the column to manage the risk.
- To learn more about On-Time Delivery Risks click here.
Take action on PO lines
You can also take action on multiple PO lines simultaneously within the dashboard.
- Select a PO line(s) by clicking on the open box on the left of each line.
Then select an action from the quick action buttons on the top right side. Click on the ellipsis button to view all available actions. Each action you select will open the action modal.
Accept/Propose - allows buyers to accept supplier changes or propose changes to the PO line. Learn more about the Accept Propose here. |
Fire icon - marks the order as hot and sends an email notification to the supplier. Learn more about the hot action here. |
Message icon - review and send messages. Learn more about messages here. |
Ellipsis icon - more actions for PO lines. Note: Not all actions may be available on all selected lines. Actions in grey are not available. |
Notes & Messages
With just a click, you can see the most recent message and note related to a specific PO line directly from your dashboard. The peek panel is a fixed column on the right side of your PO Table. To open click on the square icon of the PO Line you want to view. Use the up down arrows at the top to scroll through PO Lines, click on View details to review the PO in full, and follow the prompts to respond via messages.
- Click here to learn more about Notes & Messages.
Keep Learning
Understand the PO Dashboard <-- You are here
How to propose changes and accept supplier proposed changes