Next up we're going to talk about adding what products you want to show up in Quality as requiring inspection, as well as how to add questions for each of these items. As discussed in the previous section, if you try to start off with setting up all your items as required, you will likely burn out or get bored pretty quickly. With Quality the good news is that you can customize the questions for each product to your hearts delight. However, that also means that you have to enter the questions on a pure product basis. If you get started with a couple to understand which questions are important, and which are "extras" you and your receivers will be more happy in the long run. By starting with a few trouble products and growing you will be able to refine the questions without having to go and update them across the board over and over again. Before you ask, there is not a method to import questions into Quality.
Choosing Your Products
Start off with products that you feel in your gut, or know, have issues. This will allow you to start to quantify those feelings and make better decisions. If you start off with products that will always pass, you will not be making the most of your, or your receiver's, time.
How Do I Do It?
1) Log into PO Collaboration
2) Click on the arrow next to your name at the top right of the page
3) Choose "Account Settings"
4) Click on "Quality Item Settings" from the Left Nav - you will now see all existing settings,
5) Scroll down past the failure reasons until you get to the table for "Quality Items"
This table will show you all of the Item Names for PO line items that have been worked through SourceDay. This is a large list and can be a little cumbersome to deal with. We recommend using search whenever possible in order to quickly find your item names.
Adding An Item that Requires An Inspection
To require an inspection for an item, simply toggle the "Inspection Needed" toggle to on (or blue)
Adding Sample Size
You are able to set a specific sample size for an item if desired. If this is not entered it will default to what is set in the main settings at the top of the "Quality Item Settings" page
- Will appear on an inspection for the quantity that will need to be inspected
- Can also enter percentages or fractions
Inspection Steps
This is where you add specific questions for the item in question.
1) Click on the button for "Inspection Steps"
2) Choose the type of test this is:
- Height
- Length
- Width
- Visual
- Diameter
- Count
- Functional
3) Write in pass conditions, so that the receiver understands what constitutes a pass or a fail. Try to be as specific as possible in order to make your results more true or false versus adding in room for interpretation.
4) Tool used - this is to ensure if a tool is needed, a consistent tool is used. If there is no tool, just put none, or if there are several tools that make sense, let them know the acceptable options.
5) Then click "Add Step"
6) You step will now show under "Inspection Steps" You can change the order or delete any un-necessary questions
That's it, repeat for all items that you would like to add steps for. If you do not enter steps, your receiving department can still enter a failed amount for the item in the Quality tool, you will just lose the details as to what was at issue: (shipped and received are populated from your ERP)
Now it's time to jump into the Quality section and start understanding how to navigate the Quality Dashboard!
Keep Learning
- Overview - Getting Started with Quality
- How Do I Request Quality and Set Up My Users
- How Do I Configure My Quality Settings
- How Do I Choose My Items and Populate the Questions - You Are Here
- Understanding the Buyer Quality Dashboard
- Understanding the Supplier Quality Dashboard
- How Do I Perform an Inspection
- How Do I Perform an SCR the Buyer Side
- How Do I Complete an SCR on the Supplier Side
- How Do I See How My Suppliers Are Doing
Quality Notice
The Quality product is no longer being actively developed or supported by SourceDay. However, existing customers are able to request the ability to use Quality, until it is sunset, at no cost. At this point there is no planned date for end of life for this product. We will not make any modifications to the software and support may be limited to core functionality.