Let's get oriented with the landing page or buyer dashboard for Quality. This can appear to be overwhelming, but once you understand how it is set up you will be working like an expert in no time.
The Dashboard
Let's start at the beginning - the Dashboard is split into two main sections - Inspections that are ready for you to work on and SCRs (Supplier Component Review). The table shown below the headings will change depending on if you are viewing inspections or SCRs.
Incoming Inspections
Views for incoming inspections are only visible to the admin and quality users. Inspections are only triggered automatically if the item is marked with Inspection Needed in the Quality Item Settings
- New - New inspections that have been generated from the receipt of an inspection required item that need to be completed (once an inspection has been viewed it will move to the "Open" tab)
- Open - Inspections that you have viewed, or started but not finished
- Completed - Inspections that have passed or failed their inspection and been completed. Failed inspections generated from creating an Ad hoc SCR will also appear under completed inspections. Once completed an inspection can not be reopened or changed except the Supplier Fault can be updated after completion.
Supplier Component Review or SCR Items
Views for SCRs are visible to the admin, quality users, and suppliers.
- Updated - SCRs that currently have a new update or comment from the quality user to the supplier
- Pending - SCRs that have yet to be viewed or started by the supplier will appear under the Pending view. SCRs will remain under the Pending view until the supplier provides an update to the quality user or takes an action on the SCR
- Open - SCRs that have been started or updated by the supplier. They will remain in Open until marked complete by the quality user or the supplier
- Completed - SCRs that have been marked as completed by the quality user or supplier. Once completed an SCR can not be reopened or changed
The Table Views
These table actions will be consistent across any of the tabs that you visit. These will help you to better organize and filter your requests in order to ensure that you're on top of any incoming SCRs. However, the columns available will depend on whether you are on views for inspections, or views for SCRs.
Table Actions
These actions are available no matter which tabs you are currently using:
- Column Functions - There are many hidden features within columns, take a look at each section to see how you can manage your columns and the data in your columns
- Search - You are also able to search across any table values
- Export - All data can be exported to a CSV (it will export the data from whichever tab you are currently on
In Quality, all columns can be sorted, the first time you click a column is will sort in ascending order, if you click it again it will sort in descending order. It will show you an arrow next to the heading to show you the current sort order.
Reorder columns
Simply click and hold the column header and drag it to the preferred location. If you prefer you can also pin columns to the right or left side of the table.
- Hover over the column that you would like to pin until you see 3 lines appear and then click those lines
- Choose "Pin Column"
- Then choose whether you would like to pin it to the left or right.
- To remove the pin choose "No Pin"
Resize columns
You can resize any columns you would like.
- Hover over the column that you would like to resize until you see 3 lines appear and then click those lines
- Choose the resize option that you like best:
- Autosize this Column - Autosize the column for the length of the data
- Autosize all Columns - Autosize all columns for the length of the data
- Reset Columns - Resets the columns to their default widths
Remove columns
- Hover over the column that you would like to hide until you see 3 lines appear and then click those lines
- Then you will either see 3 icons or 2 depending on the view, you will want to choose the one with vertical lines
- Click the checkmarks to remove columns, columns without checkmarks will not show
- To get the columns back , repeat these steps but check the box to make the column show again
Filter columns
Most of the time, the only column that will not allow you to filter is the first or "#" column.
- Hover over the column that you would like to filter on until you see 3 lines appear and then click those lines
- Then you will either see 3 icons, you will want to choose the one that looks like a funnel
- Items that have the checkbox will appear in the results, items without a checkbox will be hidden
Search columns
There are many opportunities to search within the Quality section. Whenever you see this box, you can search the contents of the tables on those pages. This allows you to quickly search for things like: PO #s, Part #'s, vendor names, and more.
Export data
Incoming Inspections Table
- Inspection No. - Auto-generated number when an inspection is created from an item receipt
- PO-Line-Rel - PO, line, and release the item is located on that triggered the inspection
- Status - Indicates if the inspection was Passed or Failed according to the inspection
- Final Decision - Decision made after a Failed inspection. Entered as a question on a failed inspection
- Vendor Fault - Indicates if the supplier was at fault for a Failed inspection. Entered as a question on a failed inspection.
- Vendor - Vendor name as it appears in SourceDay
- Item - Part number as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- Item Description - Item description as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- Warehouse - Warehouse name as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- Qty Shipped - Quantity shipped and/or received as it appears on the receipt
- Amount Failed - Quantity that failed the inspection. Entered as part of the inspection
- Created At - Date the inspection was created based on the receipt in the ERP
Supplier Component Review or SCR Items Table
- Supplier Compliance No. - Auto-generated SCR number when an SCR is created from a failed inspection or Adhoc SCR
- PO-Line-Rel - PO, line, and release the item is located on that triggered the inspection
- Status - Indicates the current status of the SCR (Pending, Return Items, etc)
- Vendor - Vendor name as it appears in SourceDay
- Item - Part number as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- Item Description - Item description as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- Warehouse - Warehouse name as it appears in SourceDay and on the PO and receipt
- RMA # - RMA # given to the SCR by the supplier
- Estimated Correction Date - Estimated date the SCR will be resolved which is provided by the supplier
- Created At - Date the SCR was created by a failed inspection
Now that we know where we are, let's get started on what it takes to complete an inspection.
Keep Learning
- Overview - Getting Started with Quality
- How Do I Request Quality and Set Up My Users
- How Do I Configure My Quality Settings
- How Do I Choose My Items and Populate the Questions
- Understanding the Buyer Quality Dashboard - You Are Here
- Understanding the Supplier Quality Dashboard
- How Do I Perform an Inspection
- How Do I Perform an SCR the Buyer Side
- How Do I Complete an SCR on the Supplier Side
- How Do I See How My Suppliers Are Doing
Quality Notice
The Quality product is no longer being actively developed or supported by SourceDay. However, existing customers are able to request the ability to use Quality, until it is sunset, at no cost. At this point there is no planned date for end of life for this product. We will not make any modifications to the software and support may be limited to core functionality.