Start Inspection will bring you to the screen where you can start the inspection.
Continue Inspection will bring you to an inspection that has already been started.
You will need to enter values for all items on the page in order to complete the inspection. If you need to start the inspection and come back, you can always save the inspection and come back to it in the pending tab at a later time. Keep in mind that when you are filling in the steps, they are for the least common denominator. If any items failed that step, the step should be failed and a reason given.
Remember to double check the inspection details on the top right hand side of the page. You want to ensure that you and your supplier are on the same page when talking about any inspections or defects:
How Do I Do It?
1) The shipped and received will auto fill in using the values from your ERP, verify that the received quantity is correct, you will also need to enter how many of these failed inspection.
2) Go through the steps and choose a conclusion
- Not Inspected - This is the default to show that the step has not been filled out - the record will not be allowed to be saved with this value, if the step is not correct for the item, it should be set as "not applicable"
- Passed - All items passed the step
- Failed - One or more items failed the step
- Not Applicable - This step does not align with the item
3) If you failed an item, you will need to provide a failure reason (these are pulled from your account settings) - This will bring up a secondary screen after you click "Complete Inspection"
4) Comments are optional, but can really help during the SCR process, for example - if you had 3 of 10 with bad packaging, what was the result of the bad packaging
5) You can also add attachments to the inspection - examples might be the original specs provided, images of damage done, agreements in place that are being violated.
6) When done, click "Submit Results"
7) If there was a failure on the inspection, a page will come up with your entries, you will need to update two values on this page:
- Supplier at Fault - Was this a supplier issue, or was it caused by something outside of the supplier control
- Next step - What is the next step you would like to take
8) Verify if the supplier was at fault
- Yes - will count against your supplier's Quality score for Scorecard
- No - will not count against your supplier's Quality score for Scorecard
9) Choose the next step. The only option that will create an SCR is "Notify Supplier". These choices are not configurable:
- Hold for Disposition - Select to keep the inspection under the In Progress view until a failure decision is made
- Trash Part - Select to indicate that the failed items will be trashed
- Notify Supplier (Create SCR) - Select to create an SCR and write a note to your supplier
- Use As Is - Select to indicate you will use the failed parts and write a note to your supplier
10) Attach any additional documents
11) Click "Complete Inspection" if your inspection is complete or "Save" if you need additional information prior to saving the inspection. You will not be able to edit the inspection once it is set as complete.
Quality Notice
The Quality product is no longer being actively developed or supported by SourceDay. However, existing customers are able to request the ability to use Quality, until it is sunset, at no cost. At this point there is no planned date for end of life for this product. We will not make any modifications to the software and support may be limited to core functionality.