There are 2 types of SourceDay supplier users:
Email Only Supplier User
- They will receive real time notifications for new POs (within the 15 minutes ERP sync)
- They will receive reminder emails for changes buyers make, as orders approach the due date, and late orders based on the frequency that you have set up in your admin settings in the section called "Schedule Supplier Reminder Emails"
- Without logging into SourceDay these users can acknowledge orders, accept & propose changes, review documents and mark orders as shipped via a PO link in their email
Platform User
- All the features of the email only supplier
- At any time the supplier can opt to login to the PO Dashboard - much like the buyers
- The supplier user can update their email settings
- The supplier has access to the shipments dashboard, supplier reports, tasks, account settings, bulk imports and more from within SourceDay.
Suppliers will receive emails with POs and receive account access as soon as you activate them. SourceDay will send an email welcoming upon activation. We do recommend as a best practice that you let your suppliers know that this functionality is coming and the expectations before activating them. You can even provide them with this guide to help them get started with PO Delivery.
How do I give suppliers access to SourceDay?
Admins and selected users for buyer companies are the only users who can edit the follow settings. Please reach out to your admin to make the following changes or email us at to update your account. Key vendor details are pulled directly from your ERP, this includes: ERP Vendor ID, ERP Instance, Name, Contact, & Email. Admins can customize the remaining details within SourceDay without editing the ERP data.
Enable SourceDay Access
Vendors must have a valid email address in order to grant access to SourceDay. You can grant access to SourceDay from the supplier setting page. Or provide an exclusion reason.
Learn more about the supplier setting page here.
There are two primary ways to add new supplier users:
- You can import a csv/excel of suppliers users. Click here to learn more.
- You can edit the supplier details manually.
Add supplier email - manually
- Click on Suppliers in the top navigation bar.
- Select the specific supplier to edit and click on view details
3. From the users tab within the window that opens click on manage users.
4. To add new email addresses click on the "+" icon to type a new address into the open text box. You can delete an email address by clicking on the trash icon. Note: these changes are only listed within SourceDay and do not sync or change email contacts listed within your ERP.
Possible Errors:
- "Please enter a valid email address" - Email address invalid
- "Duplicate user emails for the same ERP Vendor are not allowed" - Please ensure that you have not added duplicate emails for the same ERP Vendor
- "Multiple vendor users must belong to the same company" - Reach out to SourceDay support as your supplier might already be created in our system under a different alias
5. Click continue in the top right.
6. Verify and submit by clicking on Send Invites. New users will receive an email from SourceDay welcoming them to create an account or use an email workflow. The default settings can be viewed here as well. Admins can customize those settings from the vendor table.
Remove supplier email
- Click on Suppliers in the top navigation bar.
- Select the specific supplier to edit and click on view details
3. From the users tab within the window that opens click on manage users.
4. To add remove an email addresses click on the trashcan icon then select continue. Note: these changes are only listed within SourceDay and do not sync or change email contacts listed within your ERP.
5. Select continue in the top right.
6. Be sure to click on save in the top right to submit edits.
Add users in bulk via import:
Now you can add suppliers via an excel/cvs import. Click here to learn how.