Planned orders allows a buyer or planner to leave orders in a planned status in their ERP until acknowledged and/or updated by the supplier in SourceDay. This can help to manage some of the buyer and supplier back and forth on cost, quantity and dates prior to the order being activated.
Different Buyer Companies use this status differently, and you will want to confirm with your team how they are using this status:
- Some Buyer Companies treat Planned Orders as a simple preview for their suppliers and there are no actions to be taken until the PO is in an ordered status
- While other Buyer Companies want their suppliers to acknowledge or propose changes on planned orders just as they would on Pending orders
Please be sure to discuss the intention of using Planned Orders with our team so we can make sure the correct work flow is applied.
Understanding planned orders view
This feature is currently only available for: Syteline, SAP, & Infor LN ERP integrations and will require additional integration work by SourceDay.
The trigger from most ERPs to allow SourceDay to display planned orders:
- The Header of the PO needs to be in “Ordered” status
- The Line(s) of the PO needs to be in “Planned” status
When the Planned Orders feature is enabled by SourceDay, buyers and suppliers will now see these planned orders in the Planned tab. Once planned orders sync into SourceDay a notification will be sent to suppliers to take action, just like they would on a new Purchase Order. The orders will display an Order Status of Planned.
How do I activate planned orders?
For Buyers intending to collaborate with Suppliers on Planned Orders, there are a couple of ways to accomplish this.
Activate Planned Orders - From the Planned tab, select the orders you are ready to activate (move to an ordered status) and select Switch to Ordered from the Action Menu. This will update the line status to Ordered within your ERP and move the PO to the Pending tab.
Pro Tip: Only Syteline ERP supports activation of Planned Orders within SourceDay. For all other ERPs, the PO line status needs to be updated within the ERP.
Update Planned Orders - In some instances, Suppliers can review planned orders and update (either update as is without proposed changes or with changes proposed to the cost, qty, or date) and the Buyer will receive a notification that a planned order is now in their Updates tab.
1. From the Updates tab, Buyers can select the orders ready to review and select Accept/Propose from the Action Menu.
2. When you Accept Supplier's proposed changes, then you can Activate the order by checking the checkbox next to Activate. Alternatively this action can be performed in bulk under Bulk Options.
Once accepted, if you have clicked the Activate checkbox, SourceDay will write the change to Syteline and flip the status from Planned to Ordered. Once a line is in the Ordered status, we will move the PO in SourceDay to the All Open tab with a status of Ontime.
If you do not click the Activate checkbox when accepting changes then the order line will stay in a planned status. You can move it to an open status using the Switch to Ordered action.