Buyers and suppliers alike can share a variety of documents within the SourceDocs library. This article will explain how to create a SourceDocs library and how to link documents to information in the PO Dashboard.
Document types & size limitations
Valid document types:
jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, xls, doc, docx, xlsx, zip, rar, 7z, dwg, txt, idw, tif, dwf, slddrw, sldprt, dxf
File size limitations: 200MB
Upload documents to the SourceDoc library
1) Click on the box labeled Click or drag files here to upload to upload attachments from your computer/drive OR drag and drop files onto this box directly
How to 'attach' or share documents in SourceDocs
The documents you can share from SourceDocs are based on your role as either a buyer or supplier:
- Buyers Can Attach Documents to - Suppliers | PO | PO Lines | Items
- Suppliers Can Attach Documents to - Customers (Buyers) | PO | PO Lines | Items | Shipments
Once a document has been attached an email will be sent to the receiver and a paperclip icon will be added to the PO line on the PO Dashboard.
To share documents:
1) Click the checkboxes next to the attachments you would like to share
2) Click the Actions dropdown and select Attach
3) Select one of the five options on how you would like to attach the selected attachments
A) Customer / Buyer
- Select Customer(s) - Select one or multiple suppliers to share with
- Expiration Date - Set a date for the attachment to expire
- Attach - Click the Attach button
- Select Purchase Order(s) - Select one or multiple POs to attach to
- Attach - Click the Attach button
C) PO Line
- Select PO Line(s) - Select one or multiple PO lines to attach to
- Attach - Click the Attach button
D) Item
- Select Item(s) - Select one or multiple items to attach to
- Expiration Date - Set a date for the attachment to expire
- Attach - Click the Attach button
Once an item has an attachment associated with it, every time that item syncs into SourceDay on an order, SourceDocs will automatically attach that document to the item.
E) Shipments
- Select Shipment(s) - Select one or multiple shipments to attach to
- Expiration Date - Set a date for the attachment to expire
- Attach - Click the Attach button
Keep Learning
Learning Path - Understanding SourceDocs
Download & acknowledge documents