API Integration allows Admins to control a variety of company settings including default views, selection of date fields for late status, and controlling the data we sync and write back to the ERP. Each user will have the ability to adjust how their dashboard is set-up.
Many of these settings will be set and controlled by SourceDay during the integration process.
How do I manage API Settings?
1) Click on your name dropdown in the upper right-hand corner & select Account Settings. Select the API Integration option on the left side of the screen.
ERP Buyer Name - All Users
In order to receive email notifications on your POs be sure that your Buyer Name is filled in as listed within your ERP. If using multiple buyer names with your ERP you can enter multiple buyer names here. Be sure that someone at your company selects any generic buyer names used within the ERP.
Default Dashboard Sort - All Users
Set the column the main dashboard will sort by - selections here will be established as the default sort for all buyers in your company. Each buyer will be able to adjust this for themselves under their account settings. Most companies select Due Date to see their orders in chronological order. Several companies select PO to view their orders by the PO number.
Default Radar - Admin Only
Set the Radar Range for all suppliers (default is 7 calendar days). This will impact when orders are moved to the due soon view and trigger the auto-reminder emails to suppliers. Read more about Due soon with this article. Remember you can adjust the Range per supplier as well.
Decimal Places (Costs) - Admin Only
Set the number of decimal places displayed on costs within SourceDay. The number of decimal places should match the number of decimals within your ERP. This will allow your suppliers and buyers to propose changes within SourceDay up to the number of decimals displayed.
PO Base Currency - Admin Only
Set the base currency for PO in SourceDay (DO NOT CHANGE). Remember SourceDay will display whatever currency is listed on the PO.
DB Sync and Dashboard Date Format - Admin Only
Set the date format for all dates in SourceDay (DO NOT CHANGE)
Allow Past Due, Due Dates on Vendor Update - Admin Only
Enable or Disable the ability for the supplier to acknowledge and propose dates that are in the past. Be sure this is toggled on (blue) when you are first using SourceDay to help your suppliers onboard quickly. When suppliers are first onboarding they will have pending orders that they have likely already collaborated with you outside of SourceDay. Once all of your suppliers have onboarded then you may want to toggle this to off. When this is off suppliers will be forced to propose current due dates.
Enabled, this will allow past due dates in the following actions:
- Acknowledge - While responding to new orders
- Accept/Propose - While proposing/responding to changes
- Split line - While Proposing Split Lines
- Non-Cancelable - While Rejecting Buyer Proposed Cancellation
Allow Vendors to See Internal Notes - Admin Only
Enable/Disable the ability for suppliers to see internal notes syncing from the ERP. This setting does not impact the messages added to SourceDay.
Push One Time Data Even If Value On Acknowledge - Admin Only
Enable/Disable overwriting the existing Promise date in the ERP, even if one currently exists. If the Promise Date field is blank then this toggles allows the agreed upon date to be written as the Promise Date in SourceDay and in the ERP.
Auto Push Acknowledgement if No Changes - Admin Only
Enable/Disable pushing newly acknowledged PO lines with no changes to an all open status. If this is Disabled then all lines will need approval from the buyer to be open - even if the supplier did not propose a change. (Leave Enabled).
Auto Push Buyers Proposals when Supplier Accepts - Admin Only
☆ To add this setting please email support@sourceday.com.
Enable/Disable updating the PO within the buyer's ERP when a supplier accepts a buyer's proposed change. If Enabled: When a buyer uses the Accept/Propose Change action within SourceDay and the supplier accepts those changes, SourceDay will update the ERP automatically when this toggle is on. If disabled then those lines will return to the buyer's update tab to be approved by the buyer before updating the PO within the ERP. (Leave Enabled).
Promise Date Note: when this is enabled buyers will not be able to update the promise date or the vendor item price (if using) even if the buyer initiates the change. So if your company is using Promise Date as a supplier performance metric then leave this feature disabled so you can accurately adjust promised dates within SourceDay and your ERP.
Adjusted Due Date Note: this feature will only work for ship date collaboration if a lead time is maintained by the buyer's ERP and SourceDay is auto-calculating the Adjusted Due Date. So when suppliers first responding to new POs with their proposed ship date, this feature allows SourceDay to auto push the ship date into the buyer's ERP IF the proposed ship date + lead time = the due date listed on the PO. If not these lines will be in the buyer's Updates Tab to accept. Changes are coming to make this process easier for adjusted due date.
Supplier Scorecard Late Status Based On - Admin Only
Select either Due Date or Promise Date to calculate On-Time Delivery for Scorecard.
Show Purchase Order Dashboard on Login - All Users
Toggle to select the Purchase Order Dashboard or the Buyer Overview Dashboard upon login.
Click the Submit button to save settings.
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Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) & Barcode