Sometimes Suppliers need to split an order into multiple order lines with multiple delivery dates. The Propose Split Lines feature within SourceDay allows suppliers to suggest a delivery schedule for the original line quantity.
Propose Split Lines may not be an available action for all suppliers. This functionality is dependent on the buyer company's ERP. If that is the case suppliers can propose change to the quantity on the line and offer a suggested proposed delivery schedule in the message of your proposed changes to the buyer.
Click here to see this feature in action with our walk-through.
Proposing Split Lines
1. Click the checkbox on the order line you would like to propose a split on and select Propose Split Lines from the Choose an Action menu. If this action is bold you will be able to create this proposal. Alternatively, this action will be listed if available at the top of the PO Details in Tasks.
2. Review the order details - remember the quantities you propose on the Original Line and Split Lines must equal the quantity in the Order Details (indicated in the red box below).
3. Propose changes to the Quantity and the Date to the Original Line that will reflect your first shipment. SourceDay will automatically fill in the Date field with the current Date value but you can edit this field.
4. Under Split Lines, enter the Quantity and Date (this will default to the date you are collaborating on due date, ship date, or promise date) for the second proposed shipment of the order.
If you need to split the order again, click the Create new line button under the Original Line to create multiple new lines. Remember that the amounts in the quantity boxes for each line (Original Line + Split Lines) must add up to the initial amount on the order.
To remove a split line that you added, hover over the split number and click the red X.
5) Click the Propose Splits button to propose the split to your customer
Split line proposals on Pending orders will move out of your Pending tab and will now appear in your Awaiting Response tab. These split proposals are currently waiting for your customer to accept or reject. These orders will also switch from a Pending status to an Ontime status.
Split line proposals on orders that have been acknowledged will also now appear in your Awaiting Response tab. These split proposals are currently waiting for your customer to accept or reject.
Rejected Proposal
If the split proposal is rejected by your customer, the order will appear in your Updates tab. The order will now have a note with a reason for the rejection and you will be able to propose a new split, propose a different update or send your buyer a note.
Split Line Tips
- When proposing split dates, be sure to start with the earliest date first and continue with later dates on the preceding splits. This ensures that the earliest date is on the first split line.
- When proposing split quantities, make sure that the quantities on each split equal the total quantity on the order. SourceDay will not allow you to submit a split proposal if the split quantities don't match exactly.
More about Split Proposals
This feature is a proposal to change the quantity on the original order line and a proposal to create new lines. To ensure that your customer receives the full requested amount on the order, your proposal (Original line Qty + Split Lines Qty) must equal the full amount on the order.
Once a split proposal is accepted, SourceDay will update the quantity on the original line and create the new split lines in your customer's ERP. Depending on your customer's ERP, the new lines will be written as new line numbers or new releases. These new order lines or releases will sync back into SourceDay and will appear in your Pending tab for you to Acknowledge.
The Propose Split Lines action will not be an available option on any orders currently in a Shipped or Completed status or on orders with a proposed Canceled status.
Note: Split line proposals will override other supplier proposals that are currently under review by the buyer. If a supplier proposes a change with the Accept/Propose Change Action while a split line proposal is under review by the buyer the new proposed change will invalidate the split line proposal. A message will ask you if you want to continue. For example:
- Supplier creates a split line proposal
- Supplier then creates a change proposal (for example a new proposed cost)
- The new change proposal will invalidate the split proposal when submitted