Changes are coming soon - scroll to the end for a sneak peek.
Buyer changes, proposals, and updates will appear in the Updates Tab. The following types of changes will appear in this tab.
- The Buyer makes a change on the PO within their ERP - Buyer Made Change
- The Buyer proposes a PO change within SourceDay - Buyer Proposed Change
- The Buyer rejects a supplier's proposed change - Rejected Supplier Proposed Change
- The Buyer requires a confirmation for orders coming due - Radar Confirmation
Respond to buyer changes and rejections
1. You will receive an email notification of a line change and after logging in, navigate to the Updates tab.
2. Select the order lines and choose Accept/Propose Changes from the Choose an Action fly-out menu.
Suppliers have the option to Accept/Confirm, Propose, Hold (Skip for now), or Reject PO changes from the Buyer.
- Confirm lets your buyer know you can meet the terms of the order (used when the buyer rejects your proposed changes or is making changes to the PO Line within their ERP and when an order crosses the Radar Threshold as set by the buyer).
- Accept lets the buyer know that you accept their proposed change & SOON will also acknowledge new order lines.
- Propose allows suppliers to counter propose changes & send the PO Line back to the buyer.
- Hold (Skip for now) keeps the PO line in the suppliers update tab without any actions take on that line. If you've selected multiple orders to review this feature allows you to take actions on the other order lines while holding this one in the updates tab.
- Reject sends the buyer proposed changes back with your message.
- Cancel sends the buyer a proposed cancelation of the order line.
*options not available for that line can be reviewed by clicking unavailable actions
3. Review the buyer changes or rejections for the PO order lines and choose Accept/Confirm, Propose, Hold (Skip for now), or Reject PO changes from the available buttons.
4. Select the green Confirm button at the bottom right to complete.
5. acknowledgements and changes will be sent back to your buyer through SourceDay and those lines will move from the Updates tab.
6. changes proposed back to your buyer will send this order line back to the buyer for review and move it to the Awaiting Response tab.
Making Bulk Updates
Recommended for accepting all buyer proposed changes or to propose the same quantity, cost, and/or date changes to all selected orders. Suppliers can also provide the same reason across the orders in the Messages box.
More about Updates Types
Buyer Made Changes
When your buyer makes a change to the Cost, Quantity, or Date within their ERP system you will receive a notification and the order will appear in your Updates tab. This can cause confusion because the change is made immediately to the PO. To add to the clarity, the last message will read: "Change made by Buyer Name. Changed due date, qty, or price."
When buyers make these changes to the PO, they are looking for a Supplier Confirmation. Essentially the supplier just needs to select Confirm or propose new values using the using the Accept/Propose Changes action.
To learn more about upcoming Supplier Confirm action click here.
Buyer Proposed Changes
When your buyer proposes a change to the Cost, Quantity, or Date within SourceDay the Supplier will receive a notification and the order will appear in your Updates tab. Changes made by the buyer will appear in red under the Cost, Qty Ordered, and Due Date or Vendor Commit/PO Ship Date columns. You will need to respond to these proposed changes using the Accept/Propose Changes action.
Rejected Supplier Proposed Changes
When the buyer rejects a proposed change you have made on an order you will receive a notification and the order will appear in your Updates tab with a message from the buyer. The Supplier will need to either confirm the original order requirements or propose a new change to the order for your buyer to review, using the Accept/Propose Changes action.
Rejected changes will appear in red under the Cost Prop, Qty Prop, and Vendor Commit columns. If you don't see those columns be sure to learn how to Manage Columns by clicking here.
Radar Confirmation
When an order line move to the Radar Tab the buyer can enable a required confirmation. If this is enabled then you will receive a notification and the order will appear in your Updates tab. Suppliers will need to Confirm then can still meet the terms on the order, or Propose Changes to the order line.
Prefer to manage buyer changes by email?
Respond to buyer changes by email
Changes Coming Soon
How PO lines are organized is changing. We're introducing left side navigation with the ability to create custom views. The action menu is moving to the top right of the dashboard to make room or your custom views.
The Accept/Propose Changes action can be used to acknowledge new PO lines (pending) and to respond to buyer proposed changes. These POs are in your Needs attention view. You can also set up custom views using the Advanced Filter to manage only the POs you need.
POs with a buyer initiated change, cancelation, or a rejected change will be in the Buyer proposed changes view.
Within these views, select one or more lines by check the boxes on the of the PO line.
Then click on the Accept/Propose Changes button in the top right to open the Accept/Propose Changes modal.
Once opened the Accept/Propose Change modal has not changed and you can follow the steps outline above.