Set up your account to hit the ground running with SourceDay PO Collaboration.
Adjust Account Settings
To access account settings settings: Click on the little dropdown arrow next to your name on the top right hand side of the screen and select Account Settings.
API Integration
ERP Buyer Name - this is the name used within your ERP to open POs
- Buyers can enter multiple buyer names - this will ensure you receive notifications on all your POs. Be sure to enter all versions of your name that might be in your ERP
Default Dashboard Sort: Due Date
- Determines how records are sorted in your Purchase Orders tabs
Show Purchase Order Dashboard on Login
- Toggle on or off to select the Purchase Order Dashboard or the Buyer Overview page to show upon login.
ASN & Barcode Settings
- Enable barcoding for PO Packing Slips and Shipping labels and customize the Barcode system used by your company.
Email Notifications
PO Updates - notifications with supplier proposed changes on POs in your name
- Hourly (recommended) - You will receive a listing each hour of changes made
- Daily - You will receive a listing each day of changes made
- Weekly - You will receive a listing each week of changes made
Supplier Risks - notifications of suppliers potentially not receiving PO emails
- Hourly - You will receive a listing each hour of changes made
- Daily - You will receive a listing each day of changes made
- Weekly - You will receive a listing each week of changes made
- Never
Enable Email Forwarding
- If you want others to be copied on email notifications you receive regarding supplier PO changes, set this value to on, then enter the emails for those in your organization who should receive the notifications
Schedule PO Reminders for Suppliers (toggle and grid) - This determines if and the frequency your suppliers will receive reminder notifications on POs in your name, based on order line status.
- For example, if you check the boxes for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for "Late", the supplier will receive reminders for late orders every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Learn more in-depth about Email Notifications with this article.
Helpful Links for Vendors
- Share any frequently visited websites for suppliers
Password Management
- Change your password as needed (you may need to change it here when the password expires)
Your password must contain:
- At least 12 characters
- At least 3 of the following:
- Lower case letters (a-Z)
- Upper case letters (A-Z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)
Manage ERP Vendors
Review & export the vendors listed in your ERP. You can easily see which vendors have been enabled to receive POs via email from SourceDay. This section is managed by your Account Admin if you need to manage vendors please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or
Keep Learning
Setting up your account <-- You are here
Customize your PO Dashboard table
Understanding the PO Dashboard Tabs
How to Propose Changes and Accept Supplier Proposed Changes